Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog # 2 - Lorber's "Night to His Day"

Society leads to their conclusion if someone is a male or a female by their behavior and looks.  What influences a child to be what they are are their parents, which I believe is number one.  They are the ones who decide how they look like and teaching them what is right and wrong.  Later on, when that child is older, media and society will be other factors that influence not only looks and behavior, but also their thoughts and ideas on certain topics.  Depending on how you act and look people will judge you and if you aren't "normal" you would be an outcast.  I think this is what gender development is made out of.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that parents as well as media and society impact the development of gender identity. But how do we explain those individuals who, as you note, become outcasts because they do not conform to gender 'norms'? In other words, if as you say, parents "decide how [kids] look like and [teach]them what is right and wrong", then why do some boys prefer dolls and tea parties over sports? How does Lorber explain the social impact on the construction of gender?
    Also you write "Society leads to their conclusion if someone is a male or a female by their behavior and looks"? I don't really understand what you are trying to say?
