After reading "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions" I came to the point that men are used to be seen as the leader, so this is why men have higher positions. Their "Glass Escalator" goes up faster than the women's and even if the women's escalator went the same speed as the man's, they'll bump into this "Glass Ceiling," where they see the highest position but are aware that they won't be able to reach it.
I believe this article would be a good source for a research paper. This article was written by Christine L. Williams, a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. She studies and teaches courses in gender and labor. I think using any article from Christine Williams would be a great source because she isn't only stating her opinions but also stating facts; she has plenty of knowledge of what she writes about.
When it comes to men being leaders in the workplace, this means they have more advantages over women. Christine L. Williams says "many of the men and women I spoke to indicated that there is a preference for hiring men..." (213). Just knowing that men are known to be more dominant make them more qualified for higher positioned jobs. If a women were to be in a higher position than a man he would look weak while the woman looks stronger. In most workplaces, this would look wrong, so this is another reason why men are seen getting promoted quicker than women.
Williams, Christine L. “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions. Men’s Lives. 5th ed. Ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. New York:Allyn & Bacon,2001. 211-224. Print.
This annotated bibliographic entry contains all the components except for a summary. Also, women are not on or there is no escalator for them.